Where to Buy a Parrot and How to Bring Them Home: A Guide

When it comes to buying a parrot, there are a few things to consider before making a purchase. First and foremost, it is important to research the different types of parrots and their needs to ensure that you are able to provide a suitable home for your new pet. Once you have decided on the type of parrot that is right for you, the next step is to find a reputable breeder or pet store.

When it comes to bringing a parrot home, it is important to take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety and comfort during transportation. Parrots can be sensitive to changes in environment and may become stressed or anxious during travel. It is recommended to use a secure carrier or travel cage to transport your parrot, and to provide them with familiar items such as toys or blankets to help them feel more comfortable.

Overall, buying and bringing home a parrot requires careful consideration and preparation. By doing your research and taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure a smooth transition for your new feathered friend.

Understanding Parrots


Parrots are a diverse group of birds with over 350 species. They come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. Some of the most popular species are African Grey, Amazon, Cockatoo, and Macaw. Each species has its unique characteristics, such as talking ability, intelligence, and temperament.


Parrots are long-lived birds and can live for several decades. The lifespan of a parrot depends on its species, diet, and living conditions. Some smaller species may live for 10-20 years, while larger species can live up to 80 years or more.

Social and Intelligent Behavior

Parrots are highly social and intelligent birds, and they require a lot of attention and interaction from their owners. They can learn to mimic human speech and understand simple commands. Parrots also have a strong sense of loyalty and can form strong bonds with their owners.

Noise and Mess

Parrots are noisy birds and can make a lot of noise, especially during the morning and evening hours. They can also make a mess with their food and feathers. It is essential to provide them with a clean and spacious living environment.

In summary, understanding parrots is critical before bringing them home. They are highly intelligent and social birds that require a lot of attention and care. Parrots can also be noisy and messy, so it is essential to provide them with a clean and spacious living environment.

Where to Buy a Parrot

When looking to buy a parrot, there are a few options available. The most common places to purchase a parrot are from a breeder, pet store, or through adoption.


Purchasing a parrot from a breeder can be a great option for those looking for specific breeds or colors. Breeders typically specialize in certain types of parrots, such as macaws or cockatoos. They also tend to have a better understanding of the parrot’s lineage and medical history.

When buying from a breeder, it is important to do research and find a reputable one. Look for breeders who have experience, good reviews, and proper licensing. It is also recommended to visit the breeder in person to see the conditions the parrots are kept in and to interact with them before making a purchase.

Pet Store

Pet stores are another option for purchasing a parrot. They tend to have a wider variety of parrots available, including popular breeds such as Amazon parrots and lovebirds. However, it is important to be cautious when purchasing from a pet store, as they may not have the same level of knowledge or experience as a breeder.

When buying from a pet store, it is recommended to ask about the parrot’s history and medical records. It is also important to observe the parrot’s behavior and health before making a purchase.


Adopting a parrot can be a great option for those who want to give a parrot a second chance at a loving home. There are many organizations and shelters that specialize in parrot adoption, such as the Parrot Rescue Centre and the World Parrot Trust.

When adopting a parrot, it is important to research the organization or shelter and ensure they have a good reputation. It is also recommended to visit the parrot in person and spend time with them before making a decision.

Overall, there are a variety of options available when looking to buy a parrot. It is important to do research, ask questions, and observe the parrot’s behavior and health before making a purchase or adoption.

Choosing the Right Parrot

When it comes to choosing a parrot, there are a few things that potential owners should keep in mind. Knowledge and patience, time and attention are all important factors to consider when selecting a parrot.

Knowledge and Patience

Before deciding on a parrot, it’s important to do some research and gain a good understanding of the different types of parrots that are available. Different species have different personalities, behaviors, and needs. Some parrots are more social than others, while some require more attention and interaction from their owners.

It’s also important to have patience when selecting a parrot. It may take some time to find the right bird that fits the owner’s lifestyle and personality. Rushing into a decision can result in an unhappy owner and an unhappy bird.

Time and Attention

Parrots require a lot of time and attention from their owners. They are social creatures that need regular interaction with their owners to stay happy and healthy. Potential owners should consider their work schedule and other commitments to ensure they have enough time to devote to their parrot.

It’s also important to consider the lifespan of a parrot. Some species can live for decades, so potential owners should be prepared for a long-term commitment.

In summary, choosing the right parrot requires knowledge, patience, time, and attention. Potential owners should do their research and take the time to find the right bird that fits their lifestyle and personality. They should also be prepared for a long-term commitment to ensure a happy and healthy relationship with their new feathered friend.

Preparing Your Home


When bringing home a parrot, it is important to choose the right location for their cage. The cage should be placed in an area that is well-lit, but not in direct sunlight. It should also be in a room where the family spends a lot of time, but not in a high-traffic area. Parrots are social creatures and need to be around people, but they also need a quiet place to rest.


The cage should be large enough for the parrot to move around comfortably. A good rule of thumb is to choose a cage that is at least twice the size of the bird’s wingspan. The cage should also be made of a sturdy material, such as stainless steel or wrought iron. Avoid cages made of wood or plastic, as parrots can easily chew through these materials.

Perches and Toys

Parrots need a variety of perches in their cage to exercise their feet and prevent foot problems. Perches should be made of different materials and sizes, such as natural wood, rope, and cement. Toys are also important to keep parrots mentally stimulated. Choose toys made of safe materials, such as wood, rope, and acrylic. Avoid toys made of metal or plastic that could be harmful if ingested.


Parrots can be messy, so it is important to clean their cage regularly. Line the bottom of the cage with newspaper or paper towels for easy cleaning. The cage should be cleaned at least once a week, and more often if the parrot is particularly messy. Use a bird-safe cleaner to clean the cage and accessories, and rinse thoroughly with water.

By following these guidelines, you can create a safe and comfortable home for your new parrot.

Bringing the Parrot Home


When bringing a parrot home, it is essential to have a suitable carrier to transport them safely. The carrier should be spacious enough for the parrot to move around comfortably, but not too large that they can injure themselves. It should also have good ventilation and be made of durable materials.


During the journey home, it is important to keep the parrot calm and comfortable. The carrier should be placed in a secure location in the car, away from direct sunlight and drafts. To reduce stress, the parrot should be kept in a quiet environment, and soothing music can be played to help them relax.

Adjusting to New Environment

When the parrot is brought home, it may take some time for them to adjust to their new surroundings. It is crucial to provide a quiet and stimulating environment that is free from distractions and potential dangers. The parrot should be given time to explore their new surroundings at their own pace, and interactions with humans and other pets should be supervised.

To prevent self-mutilation and other behavioral problems, it is essential to provide the parrot with plenty of stimulation and socialization. Toys, perches, and other items should be provided to keep the parrot mentally and physically stimulated.

In conclusion, bringing a parrot home requires careful planning and preparation. By providing a suitable carrier, a calm traveling environment, and a safe and stimulating new environment, the parrot can adjust to their new home successfully.

Caring for Your Parrot


Parrots require a balanced diet to maintain their health. The ideal diet for a pet parrot should consist of pellets, fresh vegetables, and fruits. Pellets should be the main component of their diet, with fresh foods making up no more than 15% of their diet. Avoid feeding them avocado, chocolate, caffeine, and alcohol as they can be toxic to parrots.

Fresh Foods and Water

Fresh foods and water should be provided daily. Parrots require fresh, clean water to drink and bathe in. Water should be changed at least once a day. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly before feeding them to the parrot. Avoid feeding them spoiled or moldy foods.

Health Care

Parrots require regular veterinary care to maintain their health. They should receive annual check-ups to ensure they are healthy and to detect any potential health issues early. Signs of illness in parrots include lethargy, loss of appetite, and changes in behavior. If you notice any of these signs, contact a veterinarian immediately.

In summary, caring for a pet parrot requires a balanced diet of pellets and fresh foods, fresh water, and regular veterinary care. By providing proper care, you can ensure your parrot remains healthy and happy for years to come.


In conclusion, buying a parrot can be an exciting and rewarding experience for those who are prepared to take on the responsibility of caring for a pet bird. It is important to research the different types of parrots and their specific needs before making a purchase.

When it comes to where to buy a parrot, there are a variety of options available. Pet stores, bird breeders, and bird rescues are all potential sources for finding a parrot. It is important to choose a reputable seller who can provide information about the bird’s history and health.

Bringing a parrot home requires careful planning and preparation. The bird will need a suitable cage, food, and toys, as well as a quiet and safe environment to adjust to its new surroundings. It is important to give the bird time to acclimate and establish trust before attempting to handle or train it.

Overall, buying a parrot is a big decision that requires careful consideration and planning. With the right resources and knowledge, anyone can provide a loving and safe home for a pet parrot.

Harlan Derricks