Cockatiels are one of the most popular types of birds when it comes to choosing your next beaky friend as a companion. A lot of people don’t know the benefits of having a cockatiel and all of the characteristics and personalities that come with these winged animals.

However, with birds such as the cockatiel, not many people will know just what they’re like out in the wild, with no limit to what they can do or where they can go. Birds, of all creatures, can choose where and when they travel, with the sky being the limit!
If you’ve ever wondered about where the cockatiel comes from, their usual habitat, and their life expectancies, then you’re in the right place. Follow the rest of our guide for all things bird, and facts to do with the species of the bird.
What Is A Cockatiel?
A cockatiel is a small type of parrot native to Australia. They have long tails and black feathers on their head and body. The males tend to be bigger than females, which is common throughout the animal kingdom.
Cockatiels are very friendly birds and love attention, making great pets for bird lovers all over the world. They also enjoy eating fruits and seeds but have a very wide diet when seen in the wild.
The Cockatiel’s Natural Habitat
The natural habitat of the cockatiel is the bushland area of Australia because of its luscious nature. This includes areas such as rainforests, grasslands, woodlands, and scrubby forests. These areas provide the perfect environment for the cockatiel to live in, as well as providing them with food and water.
The cockatiel has been known to inhabit urban environments, however, this is rare because these areas lack the necessary resources needed for survival.
What Is The Bushland Area Of Australia?
Australia is home to some amazing wildlife, including the cockatiel. There are different types of habitats within Australia, and each one provides the cockatiel with a unique environment.
The bushland area of Australia is an example of a type of diverse location, with lots of different elements and environments, which allows many different species of animal to survive and thrive.
The bushland in Australia can be found in various parts of the country. It is usually located near the coast and is surrounded by trees and plants.
Some of the major cities that include bushland are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart, and Darwin. Because of the wide range of different surroundings, cockatiels have lots of places to explore and live in.
As previously mentioned, these areas have a lot of food that cockatiels love. For example, seeds and fruits are more than commonly seen in the cockatiel’s diet.
The Cockatiels’ Diet
When the cockatiel is in the wild, it eats a variety of foods. It usually feeds on fruit, insects, nectar, and other plant-based items. When the cockatiel is raised in captivity, they are fed a mixture of seed and pellets.
This helps them grow faster, so they can reach sexual maturity quicker. This helps for the bird to be sold and bred as pets throughout controlled environments.
Common fruit types that can be found in Australian bushland include apples, pears, oranges, berries, grapes, cherries, plums, peaches, apricots, figs, and many more. This means that the cockatiel has lots to choose from and will more than likely try all of these in short periods.
When it comes to wild cockatiels, we also stated that they like to eat small insects and bugs, which is often viewed as a large part of their proper diet.
On top of this, bushland areas of Australia contain bodies of water, which provides these birds with fresh water and other variations of small insects to feed on. This varied diet is crucial to cockatiels living long and healthy lives.
How Long Do Cockatiels Live?
Cockatiels are generally considered to be quite healthy and live up to 10 years or longer. However, several factors affect how long a cockatiel lives.
Pet cockatiels will have less to worry about when it comes to looking out for predators or other threats that may shorten their lifespan, so they may live longer due to their controlled surroundings and regular feeding patterns.
Unlike a pet cockatiel, the wild variants will have to find a good nest location if they wish to have a long life. However, this is sometimes easier said than done.

A cockatiel needs a place where it feels safe and secure but also has enough space to move around freely. In the wild, they tend to base themselves in tall trees because they feel safer and more protected.
They do not need much room to move around, so they can easily fit into smaller spaces.
These birds are very social animals, and they enjoy being around others of their kind. This means that these birds will often build their nests within similar locations to each other and will keep close by.
Life Cycles Of The Cockatiel
The earlier stages of a cockatiel’s life will usually take place between the time they were born and the age of 3 months old.
At this point, the baby cockatiel will begin to learn how to fly, walk, and even talk. As they get older, they will start to develop more complex behaviors such as nesting, hunting, and caring for younger forms of their species.
The cockatiel will reach adulthood around the age of 2 years old. The adult cockatiel will then continue to live and breed until they die around the age of 10.
During its lifetime, the cockatiel will go through various changes including molting and growing new feathers. This means that they will have lots of different forms and sometimes, different colors.
What Color Feathers Do Cockatiels Have?
As previously mentioned, the most common color of cockatiels tends to be mainly black feathers, but this isn’t the only color of the bird.
Some of these colors can include blue, albino, gray, green, and much more. When people are looking for their potential new pet, these colors can often affect the bird that is right for you and your family.
On top of their personalities and their character, these birds can be incredibly easy to form an emotional bond with and will make great pets for several years.
What Predators Do Cockatiels Have?
Some specific predators target cockatiels. These include cats, dogs, foxes, owls, snakes, and larger birds such as eagles and hawks.

All of these predators would love to catch a cockatiel in the wild, but it’s easier said than done for those without wings or the ability to climb tall trees.
Cats, for example, will be able to climb their way across tall structures with ease.
Fortunately, these predators are not very common in Australia, so you don’t have to worry too much about your cockatiel getting caught in one of these situations, especially if they’re a house pet.
However, there are still plenty of dangers that exist for them in the wild. For instance, the Australian environment is full of poisonous spiders and insects. These dangerous creatures can cause serious health issues for the cockatiel if they come into contact with them.
On top of this, different types of weather can affect the life expectancy of the cockatiel and their food chain. For example, bush fires have been seen often throughout Australia’s history and can have a huge effect on the bird’s safety and wellbeing.
Because they base their homes in trees with lots of covers, these areas can be hard to keep the fire away from.
Do Cockatiels Live Longer In Captivity Or The Wild?
Although many cockatiels do live longer when kept indoors, some live longer outdoors. It depends on what type of cage they’re living in as well as how well-cared for they are.
If they’re given a decent amount of space and a regular amount of food to eat, then they’re bound to thrive for many years in the comfort of your home.
However, birds are used to having a lot of freedom and their own rules to live by, which can greatly affect how they react to being kept indoors.
They may become aggressive towards other animals or even humans. This means that they might be better off being kept with other cockatiels, rather than cats or dogs. In addition, they might get sick and need medical attention.
In the wild, if an animal picks up some sort of illness or disease, then it all comes down to how strong their immune system is and how they fight against these factors.
However, in captivity, their owners will have almost instant access to medicines and healthcare, which can help to battle these conditions and threats.
Because of the amount of research done into the welfare of animals and all living things, our cockatiels have never been healthier at home.
Final Thoughts
Having a pet cockatiel is completely different from seeing these birds in the wild. Pet birds will often socialize with their owners and other animals, but like most living things, will crave space and time to themselves.
In the wild, cockatiels are expected to live their daily lives with the fear of other animals and certain illnesses posing threats regularly. Usually, these birds will live for around 10 years, but can often live longer with a healthy diet and good living conditions.
Having access to lots of food and fresh water is crucial to cockatiel life expectancies and will often mean your pet will live longer, and this is the same for those who live in the bushland areas of Australia.
Usually coming in black color, there are often color mutations where the birds will find their feathers changing colors over time.