Flax seeds for Parrots: Everything you need to know

Flax seeds are beneficial to the health of birds in so many ways. They are a great way for birds to get the important nutrients they need to stay healthy. When your bird eats a meal containing flax seeds, it will get nutrients like fiber, plant protein, phytochemicals, omega-3, vitamins C, E, K, and a variety of B vitamins, as well as several minerals.

In addition, flax seeds have the most alpha-linolenic acid of any seed. Flax seeds are known to have anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial qualities. Let’s look at some of the benefits your pet bird will derive from eating flax seeds.

Benefits Of Feeding Flax Seeds to Your Birds

People have been using flax seeds for food and medicine since ancient times. A single meal of flax seeds is a rich source of fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, among many other beneficial components.

Here are some of the benefits of feeding flax seeds to your pet bird:

Rich Nutrients

If you are the proud owner of a bird, putting flaxseeds in your bird’s diet will provide your bird with a variety of essential nutrients, including the following:

  • vitamin B1
  • vitamin B6
  • folate
  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • Calories
  • Carbs
  • Fat
  • Fiber
  • Protein
  • Thiamine
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Selenium
  • Zinc

Improved Immune System

Flax seeds are full of vitamins B6, C, and E, zinc, protein, folate, selenium, and iron, all of which are known to help improve the immune system. So if you give flax seeds to your pet bird, it will help boost its immune system.

Stronger, Brighter Feathers

Flax seeds have important nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin E, and omega-3 fats, which are powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals, help healthy new skin and hair cells grow, and make the skin stronger.

Reduced Blood Pressure

Flaxseed, known for lowering blood pressure, can help your pet bird’s blood pressure stay in check because it has a lot of fiber and ALA, often known as alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid. These essential elements help lower cholesterol and make the heart stronger.

Cancer Prevention

Flaxseed contains nutrients called lignans. These substances are antioxidants that are good for your bird’s health because they help prevent cancer.

Better Digestion

Each tiny flaxseed has a lot of fiber, which is very important for your pet bird’s digestive health. Feeding flaxseed to your bird will promote regular bowel movements and prevent constipation.

Reduced Sugar Levels

Since flaxseed has a lot of soluble fiber, giving it to your pet bird may help lower blood sugar and prevent insulin resistance. Diseases like insulin resistance make it hard for the body to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Higher Energy Levels

Flax seeds, especially in powder form, are much easier to feed than flax seeds that are still whole. This is because they have a lot of omega-3 fatty acids in them.

Also, because they have a lot of oil, they give you more energy. This energy is especially helpful for your bird when it is breeding and nesting.

Improved Well-being

Flax seeds will help keep your bird’s weight in check by making it feel full for a longer time. Because of this, your bird will have endless energy, and its overall health will improve.

Are Flax Seeds Good for Birds?

Your pet bird won’t suffer any ill effects from eating flax seeds unless you give them excessive amounts. However, because these seeds contain lipids, consuming an excessive amount of them might cause your bird to gain weight.

Also, if your bird consumes excessive flax seeds, you should be concerned about cyanogen. This chemical is present in flax seeds but at very low concentrations.

So in most circumstances, it won’t harm your bird if it consumes it. Although, if taken excessively, this could change how your bird’s metabolism works by making it harder for the bird to absorb iodine.

But I can promise you that your pet won’t even try to eat that many seeds to make it happen. So you are safe if your pet bird doesn’t eat too much of it.

How to Feed Your Bird Flax Seeds?

Flax seeds are available as a whole, tiny seeds that have a tough shell around them. If you want to make it simpler for your bird to consume these seeds, you should grind them up.

This will make the seeds easier to digest. Because it is so small, it will be difficult to smash it even if your bird has a powerful beak. You may use an electric grinder or a traditional pestle and mortar to grind the seeds.

After that, you may preserve the powder for a considerable amount of time in a dry and cold place. Furthermore, during the hot summer months, your pet will go crazy for freshly squeezed juice with a small amount of crushed flax seed if you give it to them.

However, they should only be given food once a day. You may also soak the seeds for a few hours as a different alternative. After that, the seeds will become softer, and your pet bird may consume them with any soft meal.

How Much Flax Seed Is Safe for Birds?

Even though flax seeds have a lower fat percentage than nuts, they still have a higher fat percentage than leafy greens and vegetables. Therefore, limiting your bird’s consumption of flax seeds to once per day is best.

The typical serving size of flax seeds you provide for your birds should be, at most, the typical serving size of nuts that you provide for them.

If you wish to give them both on the same day, you can sprinkle some pellets with flax seeds, like sesame seeds, on a salad. This will allow you to give them both at the same time.

Flax Seeds and Omega-3

Flax seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids. These fats help prevent heart disease and some types of cancer. Flax seeds are just the same as true nuts and walnuts, although they don’t contain the same amount of protein as nuts do. If you want to feed your birds omega-3 rich foods, consider adding flax seed to their diet.

What’s with Omega-3? It helps prevent atherosclerosis in most animals. Atherosclerosis is the buildup of plaque inside the blood vessels. This plaque can narrow the vessel walls and cause serious problems such as stroke, heart attack, or even death. Birds suffer from atherosclerosis too. In fact, many pet owners notice atherosclerosis in their birds.

Do Parrots know how to eat Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are one of those foods you don’t think about much. They are small, round, and white. But did you know that they are actually very nutritious? They contain high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids and fiber. And they are incredibly easy for birds to crack open and handle. In fact, some bird species even consume the whole seed.

But how do they know to eat flax seeds? Well, they have learned from experience. When they see other birds eating the seeds, they start doing the same thing. So, the next time you see a flock of birds flying around together, try cracking open a few flax seeds and watch them go crazy over it.


The more you learn about how flax seeds benefit birds, the more you’ll understand why they should be a part of their diets. This article most likely gave you a wealth of information about the advantages of flax seeds that you needed to know.

So, you can add it to your parrot’s diet immediately. You will also be more convinced of the great value of flax seeds because they are full of important nutrients that birds need for improved health and overall well-being.

Harlan Derricks