Parakeets are one of the most popular species of parrot thanks to their compact size that makes them suitable for all kinds of houses. They are known as budgies and boast a sociable personality, meaning that they bond quickly with their human owners.
You may have owned your parakeet for a long time and are considering breeding your parakeet, which is why we have compiled this guide that provides you with all the information you need to know about breeding parakeets.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to decide whether breeding your parakeet is the right choice for you as we delve into how often they lay eggs as well as the pros and cons that you need to consider.
How Often Do Parakeets Lay Eggs?
The first thing you need to know is how often a parakeet lays eggs. On average, parakeets tend to have around five clutches per season when living in captivity compared to the average of two to three clutches when they are living in the wild.
Each clutch provides numerous eggs and can produce between four and eight eggs per clutch meaning that your parakeet can lay many eggs per season.
Once the eggs have been laid, they will need to be properly incubated which can take between 17 and 20 days depending on the environment.
You’ll know when the incubation period has begun when the parakeet sits upon the eggs. The eggs tend to hatch in the order they were laid.
Can They Lay More Clutches Per Season?
One thing that many breeders ask is whether the parakeets can lay more clutches per season. As mentioned before, a parakeet can lay around five clutches in captivity during the breeding seasons.
There are many things that can impact the clutches and their success such as the climate and environment.
It’s important to make sure that you don’t put your parakeet through anything that it isn’t capable of doing as this can cause long-term issues.
There are some experts that advise not to breed your parakeet passed two or three clutches per season as it can lead to exhaustion and physical problems, even death in the most severe cases.
Make sure you monitor your parakeet closely throughout the breeding process and keep a record of any issues that may concern you.
There are some ways that you can reduce the amount of exhaustion that your parakeet may be feeling by limiting the amount of daylight that the parakeet is exposed to.
Another way is by removing the nest box, so your parakeet is aware that breeding season is over.
How To Take Care Of Parakeets
Taking care of mated parakeets is an important part of the breeding process as it will boost your chances of a successful clutch and ensure that the parakeets are happy and healthy throughout the process. Here are some of the things you need to do:
Find The Right Pair Of Parakeets To Breed
The first thing you need to do is ensure that both parakeets are happy, healthy, and suitable for mating as this will encourage healthy chicks. Make sure that the parakeets are not related as this can cause all sorts of problems for the chicks.
The parakeets also need to have bonded and be one-year-old minimum to ensure that they are ready for breeding. Produce a safe environment for them to grow accustomed to each other.
Healthy Diet
The next thing you should consider is the healthy diet that parakeets require. They need to have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as seed and pellet mixes that promote protein into the diet.
This helps the eggshells to harden once they are laid.
Purchase A Suitable Cage And Nesting Box
You need to make sure that you purchase a suitably sized cage that can accommodate both parakeets, while still boasting plenty of space for movement while they bond.
You also need to purchase an appropriate nesting box that is filled with the correct materials and plenty of space so that when the eggs are laid, they have plenty of space without the risk of being crowded.
You’ll need to make sure that you closely monitor the moisture and lighting levels.
Can You Hand-Raise Parakeet Chicks?
Hand-raising parakeet chicks is a method of raising chicks that comes with its pros and cons as it suits some people but doesn’t suit others. The other method of raising parakeet chicks is letting the parents raise them.
Depending on what you plan on doing with the chicks, this can determine how you plan on raising them.
For example, if you plan on selling the chicks eventually, you may want to consider hand-raising as the parakeet is weaned from its mother and begins to bond with humans at an earlier age.
However, for those who want their parakeet to have a natural upbringing that resembles the wild as much as possible, then having the parents raise them will be the best way to do this.
Here are some of the pros and cons that you should be aware of:
- Parakeets are more social when they are hand-raised.
- Have a better chance of bonding with humans.
- They can be kept in a monitored incubator that is safe and secure.
- The parent parakeets are better at feeding their chicks than humans.
- Hand-raising should only be done after 21 days as it can be difficult to feed them beforehand.
- Hand-raising requires more intensive feeding as they will need formula every 3 to 4 hours.
Why are the eggs not hatching?
Your parakeet may have laid some eggs that have not yet hatched. It’s important to note that if the egg has been laid for more than 23 days, it isn’t likely to hatch at all. There are many factors that can contribute to an unhatched egg such as:
The first reason why an egg may not hatch is due to the egg getting damaged by overcrowding. This could be the result of health problems that your parakeet is suffering from such as high levels of stress.
Therefore, when your parakeet lays the eggs, it’s essential that there is enough space for the egg to thrive and eventually hatch.
Another common issue is neglect, especially for younger parakeets as they tend to neglect their eggs. This can cause developmental issues with the eggs and lead to a lack of hatching.
Not fertile
One of the most common reasons why an egg has not hatched is that the egg was not even fertile in the first place.
This does not mean that your parakeet is suffering from any severe health concerns as it tends to mean that their hormones have completed the natural cycle.
Poor nutrition
Lastly, poor nutrition tends to be a common factor as to why eggs don’t hatch. One of the most important nutrients for parakeets is calcium. If your parakeet has not received enough calcium in its diet, this can lead to developmental issues for the eggs.
In conclusion, parakeets are capable of breeding a lot throughout the year, but it’s important that you make sure that your parakeet is not emotionally or physically exhausted as constant breeding can take its toll on them.
Taking note of the pros and cons that come with breeding parakeets will ensure that you are aware of whether it is the right thing for you to do.