Quaker Parrots, otherwise known as Monk Parrots, are some of the most intriguing species of parrots around. If you are considering getting a Quaker Parrot, or perhaps you just want to know more about them, you might want to know everything you can to do with their colors.

Color is one of the most unique aspects of Quaker Parrots, so we have compiled a comprehensive guide that will tell you everything you will need to know.
In the guide below, we are going to take you through the important history of Quaker Parrots, including their history with selective breeding, their colors, and the differences between subspecies.
We have also included an extensive FAQ section at the end of this article which will guide you through some additional information that you might need to know about Quaker Parrots.
So let’s take a look into the world of quaker parrots and their colors!
What Is A Quaker Parrot
Okay, so before we get into color mutation and the different variations of Quaker Parrots, let’s first look at what a Quaker Parrot is.
Quaker Parrots have their origins in South America, specifically Ecuador, where they were originally called “Monk Parrot”. They are now commonly referred to as “Quakers” because of their distinctive bright yellow plumage.
The name “Quaker Parrot” was given to these birds by early settlers who thought that the bird resembled a monk from the religious order of the same name.
The Quaker Parrot has been bred for many years, but it wasn’t until the late 1800s that ornithologists began to notice the striking difference in the colors of Quaker Parrots. It was then that people started to breed Quaker Parrots for specific colors.
There are over 40 different varieties of Quaker Parrots today, each having its distinct characteristics.
There are two main types of Quaker Parrots: the Yellow and the Blue. These two colors represent the two main sub-species of the Quaker Parrot. There are also three other subspecies of Quaker Parrots, however, these are rarer than the Yellow and Blue Quaker Parrots.
Different Color Types Of Quaker Parrots
Blue Quaker Parrots
The blue Quaker Parrot is the most common variety of Quaker Parrot, representing over 90% of all Quaker Parrots on the market.

This particular Quaker Parrot comes in four different shades of blue, ranging from lightest to darkest.
Yellow Quaker Parrots
Also known as Quaker Parrots, they originate from Ecuador and Peru. They are very similar to the Blue Quaker Parrot, except for their coloring.

Their feathers are much yellower than those of the Blue Quaker Parakeets. This makes the Yellow Quaker Parrot stand out even further against the blue background of their environment.
Red Quaker Parrots
The red Quaker Parrot accounts for less than 1% of Quaker Parrots sold. This Quaker Parrot is very rare and only found in certain parts of Brazil.

Their feathers are a deep reddish-orange and unlike any other Quaker Parrot color variation.
Green Quaker Parrots
Green Quaker Parrots are extremely rare. Only a handful of green Quaker Parrots exist, making up less than 0.5% of the total population.

Like the red Quaker Parrots mentioned above, the green Quaker Parrot represents a new color variant, not previously seen in the wild.
Its unique coloring is due to a genetic mutation that occurred in captivity.
History Of Quaker Parrots And Selective Breeding
As we’ve already established, Quaker Parrots originated in South America. However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that Quaker Parrots became popular among collectors. Before this time, Quaker Parrot breeding was limited to hobbyists, with no commercial purpose behind it.
In 1879, an American named William H. Smith purchased his first Quaker Parrot from a bird dealer in New York City. He took the bird back home to his family farm in Pennsylvania, where he raised them alongside his other domestic pets.
After several years, Smith decided to sell some of his Quaker Parrots to various pet stores across the country. It was during this time that the Quaker Parrots’ popularity took off.
As more and more people bought Quaker Parrots from pet stores, the demand for Quaker Parrots grew exponentially. Soon, people were buying Quaker Parrots at auction houses, hoping to get a bargain price.
By the end of the 1880s, Quaker Parrot breeding had become a highly profitable business.
Over the next few decades, Quaker Parrot breeding continued to grow, and by the 1930s, the number of Quaker Parrot breeding farms reached over 200. During this period, Quaker Parrots were being selectively bred for a wide range of reasons.
Some people wanted to create birds with specific physical traits, while others simply wanted to make money.
Today, Quaker Parrots are still bred for profit, but they’re also bred for many other purposes. People breed Quaker Parrots for show and competition, as well as for use as companion animals.
Color Mutation
One thing that sets Quaker Parrots apart from other parrot species is the fact that they have a unique color mutation. Unlike most parrots, which have two different colors on each feather, Quaker Parrots have three.
The first color that appears on Quaker Parrots is called “white”. White Quaker Parrots can be found all over the world, including Africa, Australia, Europe, North America, and Asia.
These Quakers typically come from areas where there’s little or no sunlight. As such, these birds tend to be darker in color than their yellow counterparts.
Quaker Parrots will often develop white patches on their wings and tails. In addition, they may have white spots on their face and neck.
The second color that develops on Quaker Parrot feathers is called “yellow”, and it comes after the white feathers appear. Yellow Quaker Parrots originate from tropical regions like Brazil and Indonesia.
They usually live in areas with plenty of sunshine, so they tend to be lighter in color than their white cousins.
Quaker Parrots will sometimes develop large yellow patches on their faces and necks. These patches are very noticeable because they contrast starkly against the rest of the bird’s body.
The third color that appears on Quakers is called “green”. This color is only present on the feathers around the base of the tail.
Because Quaker Parrots don’t have any blue or black feathers, green is the only way they can express their true color. Green Quaker Parrots are native to South America, Central America, and Mexico.
To produce a Quaker Parrot with all three colors, breeders must cross two different types of Quaker Parrots. One parent has the white coloration, while the other parent has the yellow coloration. Then, both parents pass along their genes to their offspring.
This process results in a baby Quaker Parrot that looks exactly like its parents. However, not every baby Quaker Parrot born into captivity will look identical. Sometimes, babies will inherit one or more of the same recessive traits.
Buying And Caring For A Quaker Parrot
So perhaps you’re reading this article because you want to buy a Quaker Parrot for yourself. They can make great pets, but there are lots of things you need to know before committing to look after a new animal in your life.
This section will take you through what it is like to buy and care for a Quaker Parrot.
When you go out to purchase Quaker Parrots, you’ll notice that they’re quite different from other parrot species. Most people think of parrots as being loud, noisy creatures who squawk at everything. But Quaker Parrots aren’t like that at all.
They’re quiet birds who prefer to stay inside. When you visit a pet store and see a Quaker Parrot, you might assume that he’s going to be very happy when you bring him home. After all, he’s been living in a cage his whole life!
But if you’ve never owned a parrot before, you should know that Quaker Parrots require a lot of attention. They’re smart birds who love to learn new tricks, and they also enjoy interacting with humans. If you’re looking to get a pet parrot, then you should consider buying a Quaker Parrot.
How Much Does It Cost To Own A Quaker Parrot?
If you decide to buy a Quaker Parrot, you’ll probably spend anywhere between $100-$300 per year on food, housing, toys, and medical expenses. That’s why it’s important to do some research about how much these birds cost.
You should also ask yourself whether you’re willing to put up with the time commitment needed to keep a Quaker Parrot healthy. The first thing you need to do is provide them with plenty of freshwater. In addition, you’ll need to feed them a diet rich in protein.
You can find Quaker Parrots in stores everywhere, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding one. Once you pick out a particular bird, though, you may want to wait until you can examine his health history.
Some Quaker Parrots come from breeding programs where they were bred specifically to sell to customers. Others came from backyard flocks that had gotten loose.
Before you commit to purchasing a Quaker Parrot, you should check to see if the owner knows anything about the bird’s background.
If you plan to buy a Quaker, you should also look into the laws regarding ownership of exotic animals. Some states don’t allow you to own wild-caught birds without special permission.
Final Thoughts
We hope that this guide has acted as a comprehensive guide into the world of Quaker Parrots. No matter why you want to know this information, the most important thing to keep in mind is the variation of color within these animals.
Because of years of selective breeding, there are massive color differences between subspecies and it’s good to know about all the different variations!
Below, we have included an extensive Frequently Asked Questions section. This will aim to give you additional information and answer any questions that you might have about Quakers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Get your last-minute questions answered here!
What Are Quaker Parrots And How Do I Tell Them Apart From Other Birds?
There are two main types of Quaker Parrots: the American Quaker Parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus) and the Australian Quaker Parrot( Cyanoliseus cyaneus). These two species look almost identical, but their colors are slightly different.
The American Quaker Parrots are usually blue or greenish blue, while the Australian Quaker Parrot is more yellowish. Both varieties of Quaker Parrot are native to South America, although the Australian variety is now found only in Australia.
While both species are very similar, they aren’t the same. For example, the American Quaker Parakeets have longer beaks than the Australian variety.
Quaker Parrots are also known for being extremely intelligent. They are often used as pets because of their ability to speak human languages.
When you go shopping for a Quaker Parrot, make sure that you choose a reputable breeder. Many unscrupulous people are selling fake birds online.
To tell the difference between the two varieties of Quaker Parrot, you should pay close attention to the shape of their heads. The head of the American Quaker Parrot is shaped like a football, whereas the Australian Quaker Parrot has a rounder head.
How Much Does A Quaker Parrot Cost?
A Quaker Parrot costs anywhere from $100-$200 depending on its age and size. If you’re looking at buying a young bird, then expect to spend around $150-$200. Older birds tend to cost more money since they require more time and care.
You can get your hands on a Quaker Parrot by visiting a local pet store or going online. It’s best to visit a reputable breeder instead of just ordering a bird off the internet.
Why Should I Buy A Quaker Parrot?
There are several reasons why you would want to purchase a Quaker Parrot. First off, Quaker Parrots make great pets. They are friendly, smart, and easy to train. Many people find them to be quite entertaining.
They are also fairly inexpensive compared to other parrot breeds. Quaker Parrot prices are much lower than those of other parrot breeds.
Another reason why you may want to consider getting one of these birds is if you want to learn how to speak with them. Quaker Parrots can understand over 100 words and phrases.
This makes them perfect for teaching children how to communicate with others. They can mimic sounds that humans make and even respond to commands given to them.
If you live in a warm climate where you can enjoy spending time outside, then owning a Quaker Parrot will help you bond with nature. These birds love to explore new places and interact with other animals.
How Long Does A Quaker Parrot Live?
As long as you provide it with proper nutrition and shelter, a Quaker Parrot can live up to 20 years. However, most owners report that they don’t live longer than 10-15 years.
What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Quaker Parrot?
The life expectancy of a Quaker Parrot is about 15 years. This means that after this period of time, the bird will die.
However, there are some things you can do to ensure that your Quaker Parrot lives a happy and healthy life.